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How to Nail Seo from Day 1 of Your Website

I need a website

Customers find your web through search engines, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Search engines use complicated algorithms to rank and list your site, and if you aren’t telling them exactly who you are, and why they should pay attention to you, you are missing out on valuable traffic.

All of this is important to consider, but the bigger question is this: Where do I start?

If your main question is “I need a website”, here are a few tips on how to make that happen, and turning visitors into customers.

Proper Keywords

Often, when people search for something online, they need it quickly. Many simply Google “(service type) near me”, “(product type) in (neighborhood)”, or “plumber in Balmain”.

You should include the keywords in the URL as well as in the title and in the body itself. You should NOT, however, create multiple pages for different neighborhoods as it will result in Google search penalties.

Know Thyself

Many businesses fail to look in the mirror when launching a brand, and this can hurt a website badly. Think of it like going on a date: if all you can do is ask your partner questions, without any real input of your own, you’re not going to get far.

Search engines and digital marketing experts alike are going to need you to know who you are, and how you want the world to see you before they pay you any mind.

A good first step in beginning SEO, which is essentially a digital marketers technique for creating your business’s online dating profile, is to gather up all of the important information about where your brand is, what you represent, and where you want to go, and then put it into words that you can share with an SEO guru.

Content Is King

In the world of search engines, blogs, social media, and digital marketing, one thing is clear: Your content is the most important part of who you are. Once you’ve begun to realize the true vision of your business, you can build content around it.

Search engine optimization is all about publishing highly relevant, and interesting content that offers your visitors some sort of value. Using the dating analogy again, you will want your partners in success (Google, Bing, etc) to understand that you can provide users with the information they are looking for.

Long-Tail Keywords Matter

Most companies focus on short keywords or phrases. For example, a company that sells sneakers will focus on “Nike”, “running”, or “tennis shoes”

If you aren’t implementing long-tail keywords, you’re missing out on a very specific customer.

Also, these companies should consider phrases such as:

  • Size 10 Nike Sneakers;
  • Black and red running shoes; or,
  • Trainers for people with athletes foot.

As you can see, these long-tail phrases offer a problem-solution answer. They target a specific customer and help your site attract those customers.

I Need a Website

SEO is all about creation, growth, monitoring, and change. You don’t need to be weighed down with tech jargon and BS.

These tips will help you answer your primary concern: I need a website.

You need a valuable partner to help you realize your vision online while communicating it to the search engines and most importantly, your customers. Contact us when you’re ready to team more.

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